A heartwarming scene featuring a group of adorable gingerbread men, each lovingly decorated with festive icing details, radiating holiday charm and sweetness.
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This Amazing Gingerbread Recipe Will Knock Your Gumdrop Buttons Off!

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Sugar and spice and everything nice - that's what gingerbread men are made of! Though associated with Christmas, we think these little guys are great year-round, so we wanted to share a gingerbread man cookie recipe that you can return to time and time again! Fairly easy and 100% fun, baking gingerbread is an excellent activity for the whole family. While the decorating process can get messy if your kiddos are on the younger side, there's still no better way to express oneself than through edible art! It's making memories you can taste. That being said, I always feel a little guilty biting the head off of a gingerbread man. They're just so cute! The candy eyes seem to plead with me even as the upturned, frosted mouth implores me to think of friendship over food. Thankfully, gingerbread men aren't actually sentient... Right? Holiday gingerbread cookies stand proud above...
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