Where to Find Wild Monkeys in Florida
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Where to Find Wild Monkeys in Florida: 5 Prime Places to See Primates!

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Florida is home to some of the most amazing wildlife in the United States. From alligators to sea turtles, there are cool creatures in just about every nook and cranny of the Sunshine State, and today, we're going to show you where to find wild monkeys in Florida! It might come as a shock, but there really are free-roaming monkeys here! Although, as you may have surmised, these guys aren't natives. Each species was imported and eventually made itself at home, thanks to the tropical climate. While potentially invasive, research shows that when carefully managed, the monkey populations seem to have a minimal negative impact on the local ecosystems. Of course, continual research and monitoring are key to preventing undue harm. That being said, for casual visitors, the monkeys are simply a sight to behold and enjoy. Monkey business is endlessly entertaining, after all, and getting to see them...
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