new england pot roast from liberty tree tavern
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Liberty Tree Tavern New England Pot Roast Recipe: Comfort Food at its Finest

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The Liberty Tree Tavern puts a colonial twist on comfort food in the heart of Disney's Magic Kingdom. Their best dish is the New England pot roast. One bite is enough to make your taste buds sing. Tender beef smothered in savory gravy and served with sauteed veggies creates a dinner you won't soon forget. But a meal like that would probably take a lot of work to prepare at home, right? Wrong! Our mouthwatering New England pot roast recipe brings the flavors from Liberty Tree Tavern straight to your own kitchen - no revolution necessary! All you have to do is brown some meat and stir some veggies, then let your oven do the rest. It's a dish George Washington himself would probably love (dentures notwithstanding). Now, without further ado, here's the recipe! New England Pot Roast from the Liberty Tree Tavern Indulge in the comforting flavors of...
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